New Pots Available!

Tradescantia Nanouk

A fast growing little gem of a plant with pink under-leaf. It tolerates semi-shade conditions, but the brighter the room, the pinker the leaves will be. 

Thrives in bright indirect light. Tolerates direct sunlight.
Keep the soil slightly dry, we find that watering every two weeks is enough.
Feed it with a houseplants organic feed every two weeks when it's actively growing.
This plant will arrive in a standard nursery pot if no additional pot is selected. Please select a decorative planter at least 2cm wider than the nursery pot. Nursery pot size: 12cm; Approx. height: 15cm.

Hydration means happiness.

Make sure to show your plants some love by routinely watering them! Sound daunting? It's okay, we promise. We're here to help.
