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Tell us everything we need to know about your space, including all the wild ideas you have for it (we love those), and we'll get back to you soon!

Add hello@elephantandcactus.co.uk to your contacts to make sure our email doesn't land in the spam folder.

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Typically once a week in spring and summer and once every two weeks in autumn and winter. However, every project is different and our approach is tailor-made both to our clients, and the plants we use.

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Sometimes, and may we add, reluctantly.

We encourage everyone to experience for themselves the huge benefits of living plants in their workspace, however we understand that sometimes living plants just aren't an option. If that's your case, we've got you covered with fake stuff that looks like the real deal.

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Yes, we do! We can set up both living and moss walls.

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From the moment you reach out to us, it can take anything in-between 3 to 6 weeks. We have done last-minute installations in the past, so please do reach out to us even if you are short for time - we might be able to help!

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Made with stabilised moss and foliage, moss walls need zero maintenance and are a great alternative — and a much cheaper one — to living walls.

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Get the team together for a fun Terrarium making workshop. You'll love it so much, you'll want to make another one!

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Want to say thank you, or reward your team? Whether it's for 1 or 100, we can help you send a plant as a special gifts across the UK.

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